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Employing workers

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Brunei Darussalam's government-initiated Industry Competency Framework has helped to develop an industry-ready workforce. Register with JobCentre Brunei at to advertise your vacancies.  After 2 weeks, if there are no suitable local candidates, businesses who wish to engage a foreign worker may proceed to the Department of Labour to apply for a Foreign Worker License.


Recruiting local employees:


Step 1: Visit

Employers may visit the JobCentre Brunei website at to register their business or company using their ROCBN number.


Step 2: Log in online

Upon receiving their password, employees may then login to complete their company profile and details.


Step 3: Post job vacancies

Employers may then proceed to post details of the job vacancies available at their company.


Step 4: Job matching and interviews

While companies will be able to view and review applicants for the vacancies to be interviewed, companies can request talent pool from JobCentre Brunei for a more specific requirement such as experience or area of study.


Engaging foreign workers:

Advertise vacancies through JobCentre Brunei prior to applying for Foreign Worker License.

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Step 1: Advertise vacancies at JobCentre Brunei

Prior to applying for Foreign Worker License (LPA), companies must advertise the vacancy in JobCentre Brunei to open opportunities to locals first for a minimum of 2 weeks. 

Step 2: Recruitment process

Upon any application by local jobseekers, the company will have an additional 30 days to proceed with their standard recruitment procedures to review applications, conduct interviews and select a candidate. While companies will be able to view and review applicants for the vacancies to be interviewed, companies can request talent pool from JobCentre Brunei for a more specific requirement such as experience or area of study.

However, if no locals applied within 2 weeks, companies need to download Clearance Letter Application form from, click Information Tab, click Download then click link 2 and 3 for the forms.

Submit the application to JobCentre Brunei counter or, via email at

Clearance Letter will be issued to companies within 3 working days*.

*issuance of clearance letter is subject to analysis of companies' due diligence in their local recruitment activity.

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Step 3: Other special approval (if relevant)

Depending on the nature of business, the company may require special approvals from a relevant Government agency before they can proceed to apply for a Foreign Worker License. Visit the Business Licenses & Approval page to find out whether this applies to your business.

If there are no special approvals required, company may proceed with application for Foreign Worker License at Department of Labour.


Applying for a Foreign Worker License and Visa:

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Step 1: Apply for Foreign Workers License

All new applications must be submitted via a registered employment agent.

Applicants may visit the Department of Labour to submit applications for a Foreign Workers License, together with the address confirmation form and all supporting documents required. Download the forms below, which state the list of required documents:

Upon submission of the application a receipt is issued stating the date that the applicant may collect their approved Foreign Workers License. This will be within 7 working days (18 working days for applications relating to construction industry).

Payment of Security Deposit

Upon collection of the approved License, applicants are required to make payment for the security deposit. Payments are accepted in the form of cash, Banker's Guarantee or Jaminan Insurans/Takaful Pekerja Asing (JITPA). 

Step 2: Apply for Visa

Applicants may now proceed to the Department of Immigration & National Registration to submit their applications for a Foreign Worker Visa, which is expected to be approved within 3-5 working days. Required documents include:

  • Application letter from Employer
  • Visa Application Form (Malaysians & Singaporeans are exempt)
  • Form 23
  • 2 copies of a current passport-sized photo
  • Photocopy of identity card (for Malaysians or Singaporeans)
  • Approved Foreign Workers License (original & a photocopy)
  • Job Order from Department of Labour
  • Employment Agency Representative Card

Step 3: Medical Examination

Once applicants have obtained their Visa and the Foreign Worker has arrived in Brunei Darussalam, they may proceed to the Ministry of Health to undergo the required medical examination, which typically takes one to two weeks.

Step 4: Apply Work Pass and Green IC

Upon signing their employment contract, the applicant may now return to the Department of Immigration and National Registration to apply for their work pass. This is expected to take around 3-5 days for approval. Documents required will be the same as for the Visa application.

With the approval of their work pass, applicants may now proceed to apply for their own green IC card.  Required documents include:

  • Identification Card Application Form
  • Travel Document containing a photo page and a valid approved Work Pass from Department of Immmigration and National Registration (original & a photocopy)

Post-Approval Mandatory Inspection

A mandatory inspection will be held within 3-6 months after license approval has been obtained. This applies to all industries except for Construction where the inspections will be conducted both before and after license approval.

Inspections are held to ensure that all foreign workers in Brunei are being employed for the stated purpose and are in compliance with Labour laws.